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Brazilian Markets Navigation: Pure Global Alliance

Brazil stands as Latin America's largest medical device market, regulated by ANVISA with recent updates to accommodate new technologies and international harmonization.

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April 30, 2024

ANVISA's Role in Regulation

Brazil is the largest medical device market in Latin America. The Brazilian regulatory registry for medical devices and in-vitro diagnosis is managed by ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency). ANVISA is responsible for regulating the registration of medical devices and in-vitro diagnosis products in the country. The registration process can be complex, but with the help of a specialized Pure Global team you can navigate the regulatory maze more easily. Pure Global has an extensive global expertise, and service network, supported by innovative AI technology in regulatory affairs to Brazil market, and can help you understand the entire registration process for your medical device or in-vitro diagnosis product in Brazil.

Recent Regulatory Updates

The RDC (Resolution of the Collegiate Board) 751/2022 published by ANVISA has just become effective on March 1st of 2023. The main purpose of the change in the Brazilian regulation regarding medical devices was to modernize it, making it possible to address new technologies that were not foreseen in the previous RDC 185/2001, such as software as medical devices (SaMD) and nano-materials. In addition, the RDC implements the MERCOSUL Resolution GMC 25/2021, agreed among Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil, and shows an effort of the Brazilian regulatory agency in harmonizing its concepts and required documents internationally, especially with the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), formed by Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, Japan, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, UK and US. Brazil is part of the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) and co-founder of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF).

The regulation applies to all medical devices that fall into its definition provided in the regulation, which is very similar from the one from EU-MDR. Used or reconditioned medical devices, custom-made devices, drugs, cell, tissue, organ or blood from human origin or derivatives, cosmetics, sanitizing or food products for which there is specific regulation apart are out of the scope of the resolution.

In December 2023, the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) updated the RDC (Resolution of the Collegiate Board) 830/2023 covering In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices, bringing it closer to the one on Medical Devices RDC (Resolution of the Collegiate Board) RDC 751/2022 and abandoning the previous Regulation, Resolução Da Diretoria Colegiada – RDC Nº 36, de 2015 (RDC 36/2015). The new RDC (Resolution of the Collegiate Board) 830/2023 published by ANVISA has an effective date of June 1, 2024.

Classification and Registration of Medical Devices

ANVISA categorizes medical devices into four types: medical equipment, materials for health use, orthopedic implants, and in vitro diagnostics (IVD). The risk classification of medical devices is based on the potential risks associated with their use. The classification system ranges from Class I (low risk) to Class IV (high risk).

For medical devices, market authorizations are issued by ANVISA depending on the risk classification of the device. Market authorizations for products categorized as Risk Class I and II do not expire, but they might be cancelled upon request, in case of reassessment, in the impossibility of solving irregularities, or when fraud is detected. Pre-market approvals for products categorized as Risk Class III and IV are valid for 10 (ten) years from the date of their publication in the Brazilian Official Gazette and may be renewed for equal and successive periods.

For IVDs, the registration process is like that of medical devices. The risk classification of IVDs is also based on the potential risks associated with their use. The classification system ranges from Class I (low risk) to Class IV (high risk), and market authorizations are identical.

Overview of Services for Brazilian Market Entry

When it comes to registering your medical device or in-vitro diagnosis product in Brazil, partnering with Pure Global can be a positive step. Here are some reasons why:

  • Expertise: Pure Global has a team of experts who are well-versed in the Brazilian regulatory requirements. We can guide you through the entire process, from preparing the necessary documentation to submitting the ANVISA application.
  • Local knowledge: Pure Global has a deep understanding of the local market and can provide valuable insights into the regulatory landscape. We can help you navigate the cultural nuances and regulatory requirements of Brazil.
  • Efficiency: Partnering with Pure Global can help you save time and resources. We can help you streamline the registration process and ensure that your application is submitted correctly the first time around.
  • Risk mitigation: Pure Global can help you identify potential risks and pitfalls in the registration process. We can help you develop a risk mitigation strategy to ensure that your medical device or in-vitro diagnosis product is registered smoothly.
  • Cost-effective: Partnering with Pure Global can be a cost-effective solution. We can help you avoid costly mistakes and delays in the registration process, which can save you time and money in the long run.
  • BRH (Brazilian Registration Holder): Pure Global will represents you company in Brazil (local company), that signifies that you can choose your distributers, and we manage all issues regarding ANVISA registration (e.g.: as INMETRO and ANATEL certification) and post registration which will enable manufacturer business expansion in the Brazilian market.

The services that Pure Global that offers today to operate in Brazilian Market:

  • Risk-based classification - The correct classification of the medical devices according to local regulatory body.
  • Construct and review of the technical dossier required for registration according to local regulatory body, and review of regulatory documents.
  • Registration Renewal according to local regulatory body.
  • Gap Analysis
  • Post-registration changes
  • Training and Education
  • Compliance Audits
  • Import Advice
  • Regulatory-strategic support
  • Clarifying Technical doubts
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Compliance Assessment
  • Verification of Labeling Requirements
  • Evaluation of Registration Documents obtained in other countries.
  • Advice on Testing and Certification
  • Assistance in obtaining Local Regulatory Body Certification
  • Assistance in obtaining INMETRO / ANATEL Certification in Brazil
  • Support in preparing for Regulatory Inspections
  • Assessment of Quality Control and Manufacturing Requirements
  • Post Market Advice on Complaints and Recalls

Expert Support for Navigating Brazil's Regulatory Landscape

The regulations RDC 751/2022 and RDC 830/2023 have brought about some changes to the registration process for medical devices and in-vitro diagnosis products in Brazil. Pure Global have professionals with years of experience with wealth of experience in regulatory affairs in Brazil and can help you understand the entire registration process for your medical device or in-vitro diagnosis product in Brazil. With our expertise, local knowledge, and efficiency, we can help you navigate the regulatory landscape more easily and ensure that your medical device or in-vitro diagnosis product is registered smoothly.

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